Murray Kerr as General Manager accepts overall and final responsibility for health and safety within Transkem Fluid Mixers. It is his intention to maintain an effective organisation for health and safety which will maximize the contribution of individuals and groups through participation at all levels. In doing so, he will seek the continued commitment of his Managers, and the active support of everyone within the organisation.
To assist in this undertaking the responsibility for implementing health and safety within the premises and activities of Transkem Fluid Mixers Ltd is delegated in accordance with the organisation document associated with this policy.
The safety risks associated with the activities of the company have been assessed and the outcome of these assessments embodied in safe systems of work, safe working practices, standard operating procedures, permits to work, method statements, guidance notes, etc. All of these assessments will be continually reviewed by taking on board the comments of those involved in the activities.
It is also intended that the effectiveness of the procedures and working practices established to control the risks generated by the activities of the organisation should be measured and assessed. This policy will be updated to reflect the findings of such assessments. The detailed arrangements and methods for monitoring and assessing safety performance are contained in supporting documentation.
The health and safety objectives for the organisation are:
To achieve high standards of health and safety by establishing procedures and working practices, which fulfill statutory requirements and are effectively implemented by the proper allocation of resources.
To promote a positive health and safety culture which supports the control of risk and ensures the health and safety of all employees and any others affected by the activities of the organisation. To ensure, as necessary, that all employees receive adequate supervision, instruction, information, and training in the safety aspects of their work.
To make available all necessary safety and protective equipment.
To ensure that all employees are kept fully aware of their responsibilities under this policy and that an effective employer/employee consultation facility exists.
All employees are reminded that they have a responsibility to co-operate and assist in the achievement of a healthy and safe workplace by taking reasonable care of themselves and others by working safely and by complying with all safety procedures and practices.
Where an employee notices a health and safety problem that cannot be immediately rectified they must, without delay, report it to their supervisor or line manager. Accidents and dangerous occurrences must be similarly reported and full co-operation given in any subsequent investigation.